-----------UPDATE 9/28/14------------
Sold almost all of the mugs! I had a great time meeting a lot of new people and talking about the pottery. What a nice afternoon!
So busy lately! Happy to say I've got a new small project going, providing custom coffee mugs for sale at the local awesome music venue, The Frog Pond at Blue Moon Farm. I've designed stamps with the logo and got some great new glaze colors, so hope everyone likes them! Pictures soon =)
-----------UPDATE 9/28/14------------ Sold almost all of the mugs! I had a great time meeting a lot of new people and talking about the pottery. What a nice afternoon!
So recently I've been working on a few custom orders as well as a TON of coffee mugs (see in-progress picture). It's funny that something so simple as a coffee mug can feel more complicated than a plate or bowl...after you throw the cup part, then you have to trim the bottom, make a handle, and add a design. I've been making a few extra handles every batch because the one that looks best on a particular mug depends on the shape of the mug- curved, straight, thick, thin..and I don't choose one until I hold them together to look at the result. I'm sure after another 10 years of making these I'll be able to tell beforehand, but for now it's a fun process. As much as I love to make pottery, I also love to SELL pottery. Sometimes, though, it's difficult to part with my favorites...until the bills are due, of course! But next weekend I'm going to be a part of an arts & crafts sale in Tampa, and am really looking forward to it. No idea how big the sale will be or who the customers are; it's just nice to be able to have new people see my work.
This week I'm going to make a ridiculous amount of coffee cups, partly because it's good practice in being consistent, and partly because they're easy to sell. =) I've also started working on a dinnerware set with one my new favorite glazes. So school is out, graduation is over with...now what? Just kidding - I have a plan! I'm working on prospects, and in the meantime still helping out in the studio in exchange for finishing up more of my pieces. We have a few new glazes, an awesome bright clear blue that flashes red, and a deep purple. Both are a lot more color than we've had before (the studio glazes are mostly whites, yellows, browns, etc.) and it's tempting to put them on everything! But for now I'm experimenting with combining and layering a little with the studio glazes. Can't wait to see how they turn out!
Last week I had the chance to teach a mini-workshop to 2 groups of elementary school kids. I took them each a ball of clay and taught how to make little pinch pots. It was so entertaining to see how differently they all turned out - some of the kids just wanted to smash the clay into the table over and over, while others sat there intently, trying to make their pot perfect. A few just complained they were getting their hands dirty, but I think it was worth it in the end; I took their fired pots back to them today and all were so thrilled to see them finished. So many new ideas, so little time! For the past week I've been having a blast trying out Porcelain clay, and seeing juuuuust how thin I can stretch it. Turns out, very thin! Only problem is that I was a little clumsy today and cracked 2 bowls before I could put them in the kiln. But that just gives me more reason to make more, so I can live with it.
The studio has been very busy lately with so many classes to clean up after...though most students are good about it, fortunately. Loaded up 3 bisque kilns today of their work...so neat to see how differently everyone's ideas come about! Today I glazed my fancyfancy goblets and many other pieces for my upcoming show. So excited it's all coming together just as I'm imagining it. |